Best Month To Visit Rome

Best Month For Travel Rome Italy

If you’ve ever traveled abroad, you’ll know that some months are better for travel than others. This can vary depending on the destination, where some places have more severe weather than others. But it’s not only weather that’s a deciding factor on the best months to visit somewhere. So, what month is best to visit Rome then?

The best months to travel to Rome are either earlier or later in the seasons, namely April, May, June, September, October, and November. These months offer the most pleasant weather and the most to do in terms of tourism. Slower months may have more extreme weather (hot or cold) and certain tourist attractions may be shut down or have reduced hours.

But there’s a lot more to know about traveling to Rome than this. In this article, we’re going to explain exactly why these months are the best to travel to Rome, including the average temperature in Rome, the daily chance of precipitation, humidity comfort levels, the lowest travel prices, and the various travel seasons for Rome.

The best months to visit Rome are from April to June and from late August to November, with a peak score in the second week of June.

Average Temperature In Rome

There is a wide range of temperatures in Rome as the seasons change and weather shifts throughout the year. As could be expected, December through March tend to be very cold, with an average temperature between 32°F and 55°F.

In the summer months, temperatures can increase quite a bit. April through June still stay fairly cool, with average temperatures ranging from around 55°F to 75°F. July and August can get much warmer, reaching up into the 80s or low 90s. However, things start to cool off again in September and stay relatively comfortable through November until the cold of December sets in again.

Average High and Low Temperature in Rome ©

Daily Chance Of Precipitation

Depending on what activities you have planned for the day, rain can be a big problem. This is especially true during times of the year when it tends to rain quite frequently as you’d have to limit your tourist activities to accommodate for precipitation.

What’s the daily chance of precipitation in Rome? Certain months of the year are going to have a lot higher chance of raining than others. In September, you’ll see an average chance of precipitation at around 20%, which then goes up to 35% in November. This chance stays pretty steady all way until May.

If you’re looking to beat the rain, then you’ll want to avoid these months, as there will be a higher chance of rain during each of them. Starting in June, you can expect clear blue skies for the most part until September comes back around.

Daily Chance of Precipitation in Rome ©

Humidity Comfort Levels In Rome

Humidity can be a huge struggle when you’re trying to enjoy the sights in an outdoor space. A high level of humidity can make the heat or cold feel much worse than it actually is. As such, you may want to avoid the extra humid months of the year when visiting Rome.

Which months of the year should you avoid going to Rome if you’re worried about humidity? It’s most humid starting mid June and then going through the end of September each year. During the hot summer months of July and August, you can expect it to be unbearably humid about 13 percent of the time, while it’s more likely to be a bit more bearable 51 percent of the time.

Humidity Comfort Levels In Rome ©

However, this is still going to be muggy, so if you’re someone who hates humidity, avoid Rome during these times of the year. November through May are typically quite comfortable in terms of humidity. Even October is pretty mild on the levels of humidity, so it’s mainly those few summer months you have to worry about.

Best Time Of Year To Visit Rome For Great Weather

If you’re looking for the absolute best weather for your trip to Rome and you don’t particularly mind humidity, then you’re going to want to pay attention to the months with the best overall tourism score in terms of weather.

So, what’s the tourism score? This score is determined primarily by the amount of days with sunny weather and that have temperatures falling between 65°F and 80°F. For this score, it appears that early June is the best time to visit Rome, as it has the most sunny days with temps falling within that range.

The next score we’ve considered is the beach / pool score, which favors clear sunny days with temperatures falling between 75°F and 90°F. The time of the year with the highest score in this regard is mid-to-late July, which is deemed to be the best time to hit the beach or the pool in Rome.

Best Time Of Year To Visit Rome For Low Prices

We know that travel can be expensive, especially if it’s internationally. Flying all the way to Rome isn’t cheap, and then paying for a hotel while you’re there can quickly become just as expensive. If you’re looking to save money on your trip to Rome, then you’ll want to visit in the shoulder seasons of tourism in Rome.

The best months to travel to Rome based on the lowest price of airfare and hotels is April, May, September, and October. These are considered the shoulder seasons for tourism and you can often find reduced rates during these months. This is typically due to a few different factors.

One reason April and May are less traveled and therefore cheaper is because it’s typically a bit colder during these months. This is also the time when school is ending for many kids throughout the country, so there’s not time to take any family trips yet. This changes quickly when the kids are out of school in June, July, and August. September and October are similar in that regard, with cooler weather and the new school year starting back up. Due to this, you won’t find as many tourists traveling during these times.

When Should You Go To Rome?

The time of year you choose to go to Rome may vary wildly depending on what kind of life you lead. Many people have the freedom and flexibility in their work and school life to allow them to decide to go on a trip whenever they like.

Others have more rigid schedules and only have a few select times during the year that they have available for traveling. These availabilities often determine what the peak season, shoulder season, and low season are for tourism in specific locations throughout the world.

Peak Travel Season In Rome

Peak season is normally the summer months, when the most people are available for traveling. For example, families with school age children are forced to travel only during peak season, due to the fact that they have school and work the rest of the year.

During this season, temperatures are warm, skies are clear, and it’s easy to go swimming at the beach or the pool. Nightlife also seems to explode during peak season, which is a huge attraction for single adults as well. That being said, there are a few things to consider when traveling during peak season.

First, you’ll have to bear in mind that wherever you’re going, Rome included, you can expect crowds. There are going to be tourists all over the place during peak season, so you’ll need to plan for that. This also means that certain tourist attractions may take more time, such as amusement parks, photo ops with landmarks and monuments, and more.

Next, you’ll want to make sure you’re spending the night. During the nighttime hours, things are going to calm down, there will be less people, and you’ll be able to relax and enjoy the nightlife found in Rome or simply sit by the pool in peace.

You should also pack for intense heat, as peak season is always the hottest time of the year in Rome. You should expect plenty of sun, high humidity, and high temperatures. To combat this, make sure you have easy access to water, use sunscreen, and dress appropriately.

Shoulder Travel Season In Rome

As we mentioned earlier, the shoulder season for tourism is typically April and May, then September and October. These are not the least trafficked months of the year for tourism, but they’re also not the most. Traveling during these months will also be cheaper than traveling during peak season, for this same reason. Here are a few things to keep in mind when planning a trip to Rome during the shoulder season.

First, you’ll want to consider your destination when deciding which end of the shoulder season to travel on. For example, in Rome during the spring, it’s generally quite green and lush. In the fall, on the other end of the shoulder season, it will be much less vibrant. You may, however, prefer the fall colors to spring greenery.

It’s important to note that temperatures will be very similar no matter which end of shoulder season you visit Rome on. Also keep in mind that you’ll be paying the price for airfare depending on the season you arrive. So if you plan a trip to fly into Rome during peak season but are flying out during shoulder season, you’ll still be paying peak season prices for the return trip. This is true too for if you arrive in the off season, which could help you save a lot of money on your trip.

Low Travel Season In Rome

The off season for Rome (and much of Europe) is November through March. These months are typically cold and most families have school and busy work schedules to worry about at the same time, meaning they don’t have the time to be traveling.

Because there are so few tourists during the off season, prices for air fare and hotels will be much cheaper than you’d expect to see during peak season. The only caveat to that is during the holidays, when prices will skyrocket due to the multitude of people traveling home.

One great things about traveling in the off season is that there will be so many less people around. You’ll have the sights and attractions mostly to yourself due to the extreme lack of tourists. Even though you’ll have an ideal set up with access to tourist attractions, you’ll have to be prepared for potentially extreme weather.

This could mean extreme cold, rain, or even snow in some cases and depending on when you’re traveling. Many tourist attractions will also be operating with shorter hours and reduced capacity. Some may even be closed until shoulder or peak season, so that may be something to consider when planning your trip.

If there’s a particular attraction that you’ve been dying to see, be sure to check its operating hours and capacity during the off season, as you may be in for some disappointment otherwise.

Best Months For Travel To Rome

Rome is a magical place to travel, replete with a rich history, beautiful architecture, amazing food, and plenty of sights and attractions to stop at. Planning to travel internationally is a huge undertaking for most people and thus requires a lot of planning. The main consideration to make, at least at first, is what time of the year you’re going to be visiting Rome.

The best month of the year to visit Rome really depends on you, what you’re looking for in this trip, and your constraints. If you have school age children, for example, you’re not going to be able to visit Rome until peak season.

If you have a more flexible home life, then the season is entirely up to your preferences. If you prefer the hustle and bustle of peak season, complete with warm summer weather, then June or July is probably the best time to go. If you’re looking to save money or for a less crowded trip, then you’ll want to plan for the shoulder season or off season.

We hope this short guide has answered all your questions about the best time to visit Rome!

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